Running tracks: What to do and what not to do


Construction of Athletics Tracks

Running tracks: What to do and what not to do

There are some simple rules in running tracks what you should follow before you start running in them.

you do not have to be “Quick” to run in the running tracks. In fact, may be the perfect place for beginners. It is flat and without traffic, and the distance is measured by you. These are the basics you should know the first time you touch the oval.

Follow the rules: Many parks open their paths to the public in the morning. Plan your training around open hours and make sure you don't interfere with special events.

Go counterclockwise: most corridors travel counterclockwise on the Running track. To avoid collisions, you must do it too.

Leave the headphones at home: When near tired runners in a tight space trying to reach top speed, you will want to hear what is happening around you.

Choose the correct lane: The innermost lane of the Running track usually the place for the fastest runners. If you are warming up or running slower, move to an outside lane.

Know the numbers: Most of the running tracks sound of 400 meters around, as measured on the rail 1; that's just a little less than a quarter mile. Here are other measurements that are useful to know:

  • 100 meters: the length of a line
  • 800 meters: approximately ½ mile or 2 laps around the running track
  • 1600 meters: approximately 1 mile or 4 laps around the running track

Know the lingo: Make sure you know the common terms for the running track.

Running tracks
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